Associated Bank Center for Professional Development
The Associated Bank Center for Professional Development (ABC4PD) provides a vital brick-and-mortar component essential to success in the business world. An ideal backdrop for the practice and advancement of vocational and career skills, tomorrow’s burgeoning professionals, business leaders, and young executives will benefit enormously from the creation of this learning and practical application space. Academically prepared MKE Fellows will now gain direct access to resources and experiences which will immediately bolster and broaden their individual skill sets maximizing their opportunity to explore and succeed in every field of human endeavor.
Building skills, changing perspective, and creating opportunities accurately describes the core purposes of the MKE Fellows Center for Leadership and Professional Development. A myriad of progressive and business- related activities will be instituted as part of the core strategy designed purposefully to enhance the growth of young professionals with the express intent of readiness to enter the working world post-graduation.

Mayor Cavalier Johnson

John Daniels III

Mayor Cavalier Johnson